So, you’re still thinking about becoming a Sex Worker…. Part 2 of a 3-part series


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We established the first and most important consideration, when thinking about becoming a Sex Worker, in Part One of this series ‘Are you thinking bout becoming a Sex Worker?’

What we have established is that the foundation for a positive and long-lived experience as a sex worker is that this business is ALL ABOUT YOU!

You are and should be your own boss, making your own decisions, setting your own boundaries and choosing the avenues that you will use to build and maintain your brand.

This industry has been driven by fear and control for far too long and the new-age business models are designed to protect you while you make the decisions that best suit you.

In this Blog, we will cover the first steps to simply deciding if this avenue of work is suitable to you, your needs and your life goals. Many women, for a long time, have met all of their life goals through sex work. Perhaps, you too will be one of them.

These are the first steps of consideration and we are grateful to be part of your journey to self-discovery.

  1. Do your industry research. Assess where you’d like to fit in.
  2. Know your boundaries and remain firm with them.
  3. Choose your targeted clientele and figure out how to best appeal to them.
  4. Focus your marketing on that demographic by knowing where to reach them.
  5. Work within a trustworthy and supportive collective of other sex workers. Find your tribe and vibe with them.

Do Your Industry Research

Assessing where you’d like to fit in is the place to start. The industry of sex and desire is diverse and social awareness is at an all-time high. There is a great divide between people who support sex workers and those who are greatly opposed to sex work as a viable business opportunity in our society. The law currently sides with sex work as a viable business option. It is not illegal to provide sexual services in Canada, however, the current legislation is still not entirely accepted and it is highly recommended that this be your first step in your research.

This social divide in Canada is what drives the stigma surrounding sex work. You may be open-minded and able to see yourself providing service but if you are not prepared to face the social stigma you will find yourself in a rather stressful place to be, facing extreme judgement is par for the course. Being solid in your choice is necessary to navigate this course.

The next thing for your true consideration when doing your industry research is what type of se work appeals to you. The list is never-ending:

  • Escorting
  • Erotic Massage
  • Content Maker
  • Exotic Dancer
  • Burlesque Performer
  • Hoop Performer
  • Fire Dancer
  • Hostesing
  • Bartending
  • Models
  • Social Entertainment

Where do you fit in? That is a choice entirely up to you.

Vogue Collective is the first of its kind in Canada, offering all services under one umbrella! We strive to provide a home for sex workers, new and experienced, to provide their specific brand of sexy to the world. Providing a safe and supportive environment that allows you to maintain full control of your business and the choices that come with it.

Know Your Boundaries

We cannot say this enough! Know your boundaries and REMAIN FIRM WITH THEM! Sounds easy enough, but this is not a simple thing to consider. Knowing your own boundaries, as a sex worker and as a human being is essential to a healthy career in sex work. Nobody can tell you what those boundaries are and nobody should ever try to push you past the lines you have drawn. Unfortunately, many of the older business models in this industry are not inclined to change with the times, this is the hard truth about this industry, so deciding in advance for yourself, the who, what’s, when’s and how of your business is essential. This business is ALL ABOUT YOU. So take the time to know who you are as a sex worker. Start slowly, there is an enormous industry to discover. Take your time.

Choose Your Targeted Clientele

Appealing to the right clientele for yourself is the best way to maintain your sanity. Gone are the days of serving whomever, whenever. In an industry that requires a high level of vulnerability, respecting your boundaries comes with marketing yourself to the right clientele for you. Take the time to consider the demographics that you are most comfortable with. Then marketing yourself to appeal to that clientele.

Vogue Collective is committed to making sure that you are happy with your clientele. Our professional and experienced staff will take the time to help you make these assessments and to reassess them as you go along. Nothing is ever written in stone. We understand that you will change as time goes by and we are here to help you evolve, on your terms.

Focus Your Marketing On Your Demographic

As you can see there is much to discover on your journey to becoming a sex worker. Marketing yourself is something we will cover in greater detail, in Part 3 of this series. For now, though it’s important to simply understand that focused marketing is key to building your unique brand and standing out in the sea of sexy babes already working in this industry.

Building your social media and advertising in the right forums is how you will make your mark as an acknowledged sex worker. Coming into this industry is fraught with competitive natures. Unnecessary yet very real.

By working with Vogue Collective, it is our job to help you stand out and to gain the audience that fits your needs as a sex worker. Our in-house Social Media and Marketing Staff are available to you just by joining our collective.

Work within a trustworthy and supportive collective of other sex workers. 

Find your tribe and vibe with them. The best piece of advice we can offer you at this juncture is to interview all your choices. There are a few others and we encourage you to go about checking them all out. Make an informed decision about the tribe you choose to vibe with.

Remember that this industry is ALL ABOUT YOU. Take the time to find the right collective of sex workers for you and your goals in this industry.

In Part 3 of this series, we will conclude things by helping you to understand sex work as a business. Covering the following topics:

  1. Treat sex work like a business, keep records and books and claim your income.
  2. Build your brand using social media, IG, Twitter and Only-Fans are all sex worker-friendly platforms.
  3. Stay consistent with your marketing and quality of service. Be authentic.
  4. Invest in yourself. Spend your earnings on your own personal goals, don’t be frivolous, and be focused.
  5. Remain consistent with your efforts and protect the image you’re putting so much effort into building.

Sex Work is a legal business here in Canada and the final part of this series covers the ins and outs of treating it like a legal business. You do not want to miss out, so please keep checking back for the conclusion of ‘Thinking about becoming a Sex Worker’.

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